Mission Statements

Home WHO WE ARE Mission Statements The Declaration of Taiwan Youth Convention

Mission Statements

The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan(PCT)

The Declaration of Taiwan Youth Convention, 1986

The statement is issued based on the spirit of PCT confession of faith. While experiencing the pains of today’s church and society, we firmly believe that only through the education centering Jesus Christ can we turn the tide of current crisis into bless and make the real justice and peace be done on earth as it is in heaven.
74 youths from churches around Taiwan gather in William Sia Memorial Camp to face the predicament of today’s churches in Taiwan:

1.The ossified lectures in churches are not sufficient to rectify people’s values and moral life.
2.Insufficient Biblical understanding weakens church’s introspective ability.
3.For long, church has been influenced by traditional western theological concepts, which has led alienation and rejection between church and Taiwanese local culture.
4.Church’s perspective for ministry is still heavily affected by traditional concepts, which makes it more difficult to reinterpret the true meaning of gospel and reshape the ministry strategy according to Taiwan’s local contexts.
5.More and more churches would rather spend a huge fortune building splendorous churches than devote the necessary funds to missionary works.

Theological deficits contribute mainly to the phenomenon above; thus we appeal:
(1)Theological seminaries should readjust the theological education at present and actively establish missionary theology of Taiwan with churches and believers.
(2)Clerics should not forget their first instance of spirit of devotion and should strive to sacrifice for the sacred calling.
(3)Local churches should relearn the faith of “the holy and catholic Church”, and dedicate more efforts in the theological education and missionary works.
(4)The believers should understand the duty of “the priesthood of all believers”, and stand as witnesses with the clerics of the hope that is brought to the world by Jesus Christ.

We pray that the Holy Spirit lead all church youths to hold a humble and obedient heart, learn love, courage and duty from Jesus Christ, and practice the faiths of the above, Amen!