TKC Youth Convention

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TKC Youth Convention

A Brief History of TKC Taiwan Youth Convention

Data from: PCT Youth Ministry Committee

In the summer of 1948, more than 1,200 youths from all over Taiwan held a grand summer camp in Tamsui. The participants appealed that Southern Synod and Northern Synod in Taiwan should be united as one.

On May 3rd, 1949, a group of youths founded “PCT Youth Fellowship”, also known as TKC, at Liu Yuan Presbyterian Church in Taichung, Taiwan

★ Link: “The declaration of TKC, 1949”

In 1959, TKC celebrated its 10th anniversary. With the funds raised from the “Five- cents Movement”, TKC, in coordination with the “Doubling Movement”, focused on the mission for Hakka people, fishermen, people living in the mountains and rural villages.

From August 27th to 30th, 1977, the first session of Taiwan Youth Convention was held at Mt. Lebanon Camp in Taichung. The theme was “Today’s church and Today’s youth.” After the convention, the participants issued the Ten Convictions of TKC, and resolved to launch “Five-dollars Movement” in youth fellowship to raise funds for youth ministry.

★ Link: “Ten Convictions of TKC, the declaration of the first session of Taiwan Youth Convention, 1977”

In 1978, the second session of Taiwan Youth Convention appealed for the restoration of PCT Youth Ministry Committee and appointment of a full time Youth Ministry Secretary.

From Aug 14thto 17th, 1979, TKC held a sport event at Chang Jung Senior High School to celebrate its 30th anniversary.
The main events of that year include:
1.Messenger magazine resumed its publication.
2.Publication and footnote remarking of Youth Hymnal, Brochure of fellowship, The Daily Study Bible-The Revelation of John Volume, the Five keys in gospel, and Understanding the Bible.

From September 26th to 29th, 1986, Taiwan Youth Convention was held at William Sia Memorial Camp. The theme was “Justice and Peace—priesthood of all believers”. The Declaration of Taiwan Youth Convention was issued in the convention, too.

★ Link: “The Declaration of Taiwan Youth Convention, 1986”

From July 29th to 30th, 1989, Taiwan Youth Convention was held in Willam Sia Memorial Camp to celebrate the 40th anniversary of TKC. There were 80 young elites coming from all over Taiwan gathering in this convention. The theme of that year was: “Time for God.”

1999 was the fiftieth jubilee of TKC. Taiwan Youth Jubilee Mission Convention. That year’s theme was “Rejoice in Hope, Walk with God”, and the venue was Chang Jung Christian University. Over seven hundred youths from around Taiwan along with about thirty overseas youths took part in the convention.

★ Link: “The Declaration of Taiwan Youth Convention, TKC’s fiftieth jubilee, 1999”

In 2003, the Quadrennial Youth Convention was canceled due to the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS); thus the convention was postponed until July 14th,,2005. This event was held in Chang Jung Christian University, from July 14th to 17th 2005, and the theme was “Who am I: Youth’s identity in the modern age and beyond”. There were over 300 participants, from Taiwan and abroad, joining the convention.

2009 was TKC’s 60th anniversary. The related events were designed based on the idea of : “Recognition of youth, Love in Taiwan: Beautiful Butterfly, Dream Ascend,” hoping that youths can pursue their dreams with sustained daily reflection and a grateful heart, build a community of faithful life, and commit themselves to lead a life worthy of God’s beautiful Kingdom.

★ Link: “Let Taiwan Soar in Love – The Youth’s Prayer, 2009”

In August, 2011, 40 years had passed since PCT issued the “STATEMENT ON OUR NATIONAL FATE BY THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN TAIWAN”. Thus, the Youth Conference of the National Fate of Taiwan was held with the topic: “A Colorful Bird of Solitude-Practice the justice of God in the diverse but isolated Taiwan.”

★ Link: “PCT Youth Public Statement on our National Fate, 2011”

From July 17thto20th, 2013, “TKC Youth Convention” was held in Aletheia University. The topic was “Youth on Fire”, which means “Youths should stand out with courage, receive the vision, reflect on their true core value of being a Christian, construct a life of ‘identification, commitment and growth’, dedicate themselves to Youth Doubling Movement, make confession of faith rooted in our mother land, and become the symbol of hope for churches and society in Taiwan.”

More than 300 youths took part in this program. Through vision sharing, reflecting exploration and agenda workshops, PCT hoped to awake the responsibility for faith and calling of church youths, build community of faith and life for them, dedicate to Youth Doubling Movement, integrate the mission objectives, and thus the self-recognition and commitment of PCT youths could be built up.