| 2012.I Love Taiwan Mission |
| Author/PCT Youth Ministry Office | | 10th I Love Taiwan Mission Camp Theme: Experience Taiwan Experience Love Orientation: June 27–30 2012, at Wesley Grove The Methodist(陽明山衛理福音園) Church mission: June 30 – July 11 2012, at local churches in Taiwan Debriefing: July 11–14 2012, at Presbyterian Bible College (台灣基督長老教會聖經學院) ►There were 20 local churches and 1 organization, which included: 七星中會建德教會、台北中會文山教會、客家宣教中會山崎教會、台中中會民族路教會、重新教會、大社教會、彰化中會竹塘教會、員東路教會、路上教會、嘉義中會朴子教會、祥和教會、台南中會口埤教會、排灣中會青年部、布農中會巴喜告教會、普宣部、紅葉教會、東美中會長光教會、泰雅爾中會羅蘭教會、中布中會望鄉教會、賽德克族群區會廬山教會、謝緯紀念青年營地。 ►There were 48 overseas participates which included: 15 Americans, 5 Canadians, 2 Brazilians, 5 HongKongers, 5 Malaysians, 3 Koreans, 2 Japanese, 1 Thais, 1 British, 7 Indian(Mizoram) and 2 Scottish. ►There were 87 Taiwanese participates which included: 42 ILT staffs, 35 Local church youths and 10 volunteers. |
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