WCC 普世教會協會-關懷台灣0403地震信函 WCC總幹事傑瑞・佩雷(Jerry Pillay)牧師在關懷信函中指出:「願我們的祈禱能陪伴那些在花蓮大地震當中失去至親與摯友的人們。同時,我們也期盼普世的教會與機構能夠竭盡所能,提供災區人道救援與協助。」
Welcome to [2024 I Press On Toward the Goal] The theme of 2024 I Love Taiwan Mission Camp is I PRESS ON TOWARD THE GOAL. When Apostle Paul was imprisoned, he wrote to the church of Philippi. He emphasized, “Beloved, I do not consider that I have...
Welcome to [2023 שָׁלוֹם Shalom] Praise our God for His Grace and Peace we have because of the Lord Jesus Christ! As the coronavirus pandemic eases in Taiwan, we would like to invite churches and young people from all over the world ...
The Postponement of 2020 I Love Taiwan Mission Cam... 2020 I Love Taiwan Mission Camp is cancelled due to COVID-19. This is the moment for us to pray together for healing and grace for those who are infected and affected.God bless us all. ILT will be...
2020 I Love Taiwan (ILT) Mission Camp: Seeking(Chh... Training in Mission: We expect the youth to experience God's grace and love, to learn and live out their faith, and to be challenged to devote their lives to God through the participation in miss...
Welcome to "2019 I Love Taiwan Mission Camp: ... Training in Mission: We expect the youth to experience God's grace and love, to learn and live out their faith, and to be challenged to devote their lives to God through the participation in miss...
2018 ILT: “When Flower Blooms” All too soon, the I Love Taiwan Mission (ILTM) international youth, returned from their designated host churches on Thursday July 19 to begin their Debriefing session.
Chiau-Ai Presbyterian Church ILTM team visited the... During the afternoon of 9 July, ILTM youth team who are assigned to the Chiau-Ai Presbyterian Church, visited the General Assembly Office of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT).
2018 ILT: Sending Worship Saturday, 7 July, all too soon the last day of ILTM Orientation was here and all the youth participants prepared to leave Hsinchu and travel to their respective local host church ready for mission act...
2018 ILT: Seek for Wonders! The participants enjoyed the opportunity visiting Ramune Marble Soda Factory and Neiwan Old Street in Hsinchu.
2018 ILT: Exploring the Wonders of Hsinchu! Our activity today, July 6, took us out from the PBC campus on to the streets of Hsinchu – “The Windy City”.
2018 ILT: Welcome to the 2018 ILT Salon! The Salon offers four main topics for discussions; these are the Environment, Food Education, Gender Justice and Gun Rights.
2018 ILT: Here comes the Korean Wave! This year “Song Sharing” is a new activity in ILT. We invited the Korean participants to share a hymn and lead us to worship God.
2018 ILT: “Drive out the old and Bring in the New” During the first activity, the participants split into groups designated according to the Lunar Zodiac (Animal) signs had to face the challenge of six different games.
2018 ILT: “α The beginning” Thursday, 05 July 2018 - we started our day with the I Love Taiwan Mission Opening Worship, which also marked the “official” beginning of the ILT Camp.
2018 ILT! Hello Taiwan! Li-ho Tai-oan! International youth participants have come to Taiwan for the 2018 ILT. Some of them are here in Taiwan for the first time while others have been to Taiwan several times. Watching the brief video intro...
2018 ILT! Let’s get the party started! Here we come 2018 I Love Taiwan Mission (ILT)! Let’s get the party started! ILT Orientation is happening NOW at the Presbyterian Bible College in Hsinchu. PCT youths with their beautiful “welcome” pos...
2018 I love Taiwan Mission! Bring it on! I love Taiwan Mission Orientation will be held from July 4 to July 7 at Presbyterian Bible College.
Welcome to "2018 α The beginning" 2018 ILT invites you to discover and feel the gladness of God's creation “in the beginning” with youths from different countries. God blesses every creature and human beings are entrusted by God ...
Awaken to Local context: I Love Taiwan Mission Cam... [Taiwan Church News] Participating in the two-week mission in Taiwan, Foreign Christian Youth expand the vision of Taiwanese Youth in terms of Ecumenism through mutual learning and sharing.
【Notice 行前通知】2017 ILT 我愛台灣宣教營「你的名字 Thy Name」 2017 I love Taiwan mission camp is going to be held on 28th June to 15th July, please read the appendix to get more informations.
Welcome to ‘‘2017 I Love Taiwan Mission Camp: Thy ... This year is the 500th anniversary of Protestant Reformation. “2017 I love Taiwan Mission Camp – Thy Name” is going to begin! Hope we can serve with ecumenical partners during the journey of ILT toget...